My name is Ben. On this Homepage you can check out my Album, or if interested in a special kind of Livemusic have a look at the topic Stocherkahn.
Enjoy and see you soon on the water!
On the journey through paradise
End of 14
This semester I allow myself a few months break. On my mind I have a relaxed journey through the world, yet without taking money or plans with me.
Does that only work in the mind or is it possible to get through with the right attitude? As you can see looking at the title, I´m quite confident! With a smile on my face, open minded and -hearted, modest creative and considerate, I somehow want to get across the ocean!
> As account of the journey, I am going to write a kind of fary tale. <
Musical-Romantic Tour on the Stocherkahn
This summer we offered our Kahncerts in romantic ambience with sparkling wine and candle light. Captain Mike lead our two-hour tours.
Looking back it was a great success as we drew capacity audiences and had a lot of fun gaining experience for the next year! Thank you, dear people!
> First Impressions <
Video Clip "Family"
Right in the middle of another crucial learning phase I had a short chance encounter with Mat Rowley at the Synagogenplatz. As I didn't want to delay my breaktime too much, but at the same time didn't want to break the good conversation, I quickly took him to my nearby room. After showing him the brand new song, he really liked it. So we thought about making an easy, short video for everyone!
He got Koleton Willams on board and we met for the video shoot a few weeks later. On my own it would have probably taken ages to get started with a video clip, as I have to spend a lot of time studying and keeping myself busy with a variety of other interests and scratching my living...
Despite being short of time, even having just a few minutes footage, Mat and Koleton did a quite well job! Everything was done without charge as we wanted the message to be free for everyone as well - After all we all just are a big family :-)
Für deutsche Übersetzung auf den kleinen "de" Knopf neben "Home" drücken. Finally got to deal with the bilingual function!
Title defence succesful
Second time in a row the "Planschpiraten" aka Team Jesus could prevail the strong competitors at this years race of Stocherkahn for medicine students!
Website online
Special thanks to my brother Jonathan! He did a great job helping me to get started working on this homepage in HTML.
Last Blessing
As a tribute to all the persons who gave their body to the tuebinger human dissection course after passing, my fellow students Steffen, Hannah, Judith and Freddy could enrich the song Sandengel with violins, viola and cello. Together we played it for their loved ones in the collegiate church, Tuebingen.
The song is about transcience, letting go and the own identification with ones higher self. In this case as angel, intended as linking bridge to the pure undefined being in the worldly sand of transientness - the human body and the relative world.
Maybe it helps someone attending the last blessing to find peace with that change.
In case we manage to catch up again in the dense jungle of exams, there will be a proper recording and upload for you!